Klimabündnis Österreich
![weltkugel_bild_klibue Klimabündnis Österreich - Weltkugel](https://radkompetenz.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/weltkugel_bild_klibue.jpg)
The Climate Alliance (Klimabündnis) is the largest communal climate protection network in Austria. The organization attends to, advises and supports municipalities schools and companies with regards to climate protection, climate justice and adjustment to climate change. One of the largest areas of interest is climate-friendly mobility.
Mobility projects for climate protection
A selection of the mobility-related topics shows the broad range the Climate Alliance Austria and its regional offices cover: Representatives of municipalities can get trained to become “Communal cycling and mobility coordinators” in a mobility training course (“Mobilitätslehrgang“) held by the Climate Alliance. Since 2000, the Climate Alliance is coordinating the European mobility week (“Europäische Mobilitätswoche“) in Austria. Each year 500 Austrian cities and municipalities are taking part in this campaign for soft mobility.
Since 2003, the Climate Alliance is also organising the Climate Miles (Klimameilen) – a campaign for climate-friendly ways to get to kindergarten or school. On a regional level, the Climate Alliance is offering Cycling Consulting (FahrRad-Beratung) for municipalities and companies – among other areas in Upper Austria. It also organizes annual cycling network meetings. In Tirol, the Climate Alliance is organising the competition “Tiroler Fahrradwettbewerb”, in Lower Austria it coordinates a project for schools called “Klimafit zum RADLhit” as well as the cycling training „Fit fürs Radeln“.
Series “Austria en route”
In a seven-part series the Climate Alliance is this year putting a spotlight on the mobility behaviour of Austrians. How are they travelling? And what has changed over the last 20 years? The Flinks, a family of four, are taking readers through this series, which you can see HERE.
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![klimabuendn_175 Klimabündnis Österreich](https://radkompetenz.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/klimabuendn_175.jpg)