Our membership at Cycling Knowledge Europe
Cycling Knowledge Europe is an informal network of non-profit organisations in European countries with the mission to spread knowledge and build capacities to advance cycling policies and projects. The purpose of the network is to transfer knowledge between countries and to discuss common challenges and tasks. The different organisations vary in terms of size, configuration, assignment and status. Their mission is recognized as one of general interest at the national or regional level.
Following countries (in alphabetical order) and organisations are part of the network:
Austria / Radkompetenz Österreich – Cycle Competence Austria
The platform “Cycle Competence Austria” as the Austrian Cycling Embassy was founded in 2014 and offers international networking activities and transfer know-how to interested parties inside Austria and all over Europe. (Link)
Belgium, Region Flanderen / Fietsberaad in Vlaanderen
Fietsberaad Vlaanderen is a knowledge center for bicycle policy. The objective of Fietsberaad Vlaanderen is the development, dissemination and exchange of practical knowledge for cycling policy. Fietsberaad Vlaanderen wants to support governments to accelerate the dynamics in their bicycle policy and to achieve a higher bicycle share. (Link)
Denmark / Det Nationale Videnscenter for Cykelfremme – Danish Centre for Cycling Knowledge
The Danish Centre for Cycling Knowledge was founded in early 2020 and aims to raise knowledge about cycling and active mobility in Denmark and internationally. The centre is doing research and making new insights and knowledge available via an online platform, newsletters and webinars. (Link)
France / L’Académie Des experts en Mobilités Active, ADMA – The Academy of Active Mobility
Founded in 2021, ADMA is a program of the French federation of bicycle users (FUB). Its goal is to build a national expertise on walking and cycling throughout France by offering a program of courses and a web portal of resources on active mobility for different stakeholders. It is entirely funded by “Energy Saving Certificates” from the ministry of ecological transition. (Link)
France / Cerema
Cerema is the major French public establishment for the development and capitalization of public expertise in the fields of planning, territorial cohesion and ecological and energy transition. As center of resources and multidisciplinary scientific and technical expertise, CEREMA contributes to the development, implementation and evaluation of public policies, such as cycling policies, at national and local levels. (Link)
Germany / Difu Fahrradakademie
The Difu training program funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport included seminars, workshops, excursions, e-learning offers and the annual bicycle community conference. (Link)
Netherlands / CROW
CROW is a non-profit agency advising the dutch Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management, publishing the CROW Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic Information. With its English publications CROW shares knowledge that has value for other countries, especially on subjects such as bicycle traffic and road safety. (Link)
Sweden / Cykelcentrum – the Swedish Cycling Research Centre
The Swedish Cycling Research Centre is a platform for cooperation and knowledge transfer between researchers, NGOs and governmental bodies with the aim to build competence on how to make cycling safer and more attractive. It was f ounded in 2018, is funded by the government and hosted by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) – an independent and interdisciplinary research institute in the transport sector. (Link)