Cycle Competence member, and one of our sponsers Klimaaktiv Mobil, is the traffic initiative of the Ministry for Climate Protection (BMK). This initiaive from the BMK represents an important contribution to reaching international and european climate goals, the European Energy Programme for Recovery and creates new ‘green jobs’.
The BMK has set Austria’s cycling offensive in motion with the Cycling Masterplan 2015-2025 and all of its implemtation criteria as well as the previous Cycling Masterplan from 2006. The subsidy and consultancy programmes from Klimaaktiv Mobil also support the development of every-day cycle infrastructure and support the growth of eco-friendly tourism.
The BMK is also recognised as a main contributor to international projects such as the Pan-European Program for Traffic, Health and Climate (WHO/UNECETHE PEP) to foster increased uptake of cycling.
(Picture: BMK / Cajetan Perwein)