Rosinak & Partner

As planning and consulting company, Vienna-based Rosinak & Partner is working and researching the fields of traffic planning & technology, infrastructure planning, space & mobility, environment, as well as communication. It is important to link those fields and create useful interface know-how.
For 40 years now, Rosinak & Partner have been advising administrations, companies and institutions in their efforts to strengthen bicycle traffic, to make streets and urban landscapes safer and more sustainable. Masterplans and cycle strategies for Vienna, Moscow and the „Bregenzerwald“ in Western Austria, studies on cycle streets, cycle highways, bike sharing systems, a multitude of cycle traffic planning and research projects as well as setting up the programme for the Velo-city conference 2013 in Vienna show the broad range of Rosinak & Partner’s cycle traffic expertise.
Cycle traffic projects of Rosinak & Partner
(german texts)
- Fahrradparken im Wohnbau (INFO-LINK)
- Radweg Linke Wienzeile (INFO-LINK)
- Programmierung des Österreichischen Radgipfels in Wien (INFO-LINK)
- Radweg am Getreidemarkt (INFO-LINK)
- Fahrradstraßen in Wien: Goldschlagstraße (INFO-LINK)
- Radverkehrskonzept Mödling (ARTIKEL)
- Radstrategie für die Stadt Salzburg (PDF-LINK bzw. ARTIKEL)
- Ausbildungsworkshops Rad- und Fußverkehr für Gemeindevertreter in Vorarlberg (INFO-LINK)
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