Your selection: Herry Consult

Cycle Competence webinars in our online academy

More than 20 webinars under our motto “This is cycling!” have been held by our platform members since the beginning of the webinar series in 2021. To make this wealth of knowledge more accessible, we have compiled the individual webinar presentations into an archive: the Cycle Competence Academy! It is available on YouTube and on our overview page “Akademie” in [...]

Research discussion on cycling and mobility transition in Salzburg

This year, our annual cycling competence fireside talk was dedicated to the exciting topic of cycling research. Leading researchers from Vienna, Graz and Salzburg discussed current developments and challenges in cycling and mobility research. The discussion was moderated by Cycle Competence member Martin Loidl from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) and took place in an attractive setting in [...]

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Mobility Observatory Austria: Better data enables sustainable cycling promotion

The KOMOA concept study for a Mobility Observatory Austria shows how systemic approaches using a variety of data can help with the current challenges of transportation planning. How can it meet mobility needs while minimizing the negative ecological, social and economic effects of transport? The two Cycle Competence members, the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, have been researching [...]

Federal Funding for Active Mobility Measures in 2023

The climate-active mobility federal funding for active mobility measures will continue in 2023 with new funding. We held a german webinar about this topic on June 5th. Here we provide an overview of the funding modules for businesses, municipalities, tourism, and individuals. Cycle Competence members Herry Consult and komobile will advise you on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Protection [...]

Protokoll Webinar So geht Radverkehr 2021

Als Ersatz für den Österreichischen Radgipfel 2021 bot die Plattform Radkompetenz Österreich eine gut besuchte zweitägige Seminarreihe an. ExpertInnen der Plattform luden zu Online-Vorträgen und interaktivem Austausch. Kostenlose Teilnahme wurde von klimaaktiv mobil, der Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutz, ermöglicht.

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pro:motion. Aktive Mobilität fördern durch Zielgruppenorientierung und -motivation

In pro:motion werden unter Einbeziehung sozialwissenschaftlicher Ansätze homogene Gruppen identifiziert, die spezifische mobilitätsrelevante Informationen benötigen bzw. auf bestimmte Argumente besonders ansprechen (z.B. Gesundheit, Umwelt, Kosten, Image, Erlebnis). Die Ergebnisse liefern konkrete Konzepte (Argumente, Informationsbedürfnisse, bevorzugte Informationskanäle) für die gezielte Adressierung von Zielgruppen als Basis für die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Forcierung aktiver Mobilitätsformen.

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Company bicycle instead of company car

Healthy, good for the environment and stress free! With a company bicycle model (“Job-Rad”) employers can support their employees to increasingly switch to a healthy and environmentally-friendly mode of transport both for commutes as well as private travel. The CycleCompetence members klimaaktiv mobil (BMNT) und Herry Consult are publishing helpful tips on the subject and an expert opinion on the [...]


Having been founded in 1984 HERRY Consult can now make use of many competences and references in the field of cycling: Based on nationwide as well as target-group oriented mobility surveys, HERRY Consult has a comprehensive understanding of the mobility behaviour of the Austrian population in general, as well as specific groups. Particular focus is placed on “active mobility”. [...]

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