Your selection: Planning & Consulting
RADBEST research project: Cycling in confined road conditions
In traffic planning practice, the routing of bicycle traffic in confined spaces poses a particular challenge. The RADBEST research project, in which Cycle Competence members Salzburg Research, the Department of Geoinformatics at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and con.sens mobilitätsdesign were involved, looked for possible solutions. To this end, regulations and scientific studies were analyzed, experts were interviewed [...]
Study: Austria-wide cycling network Vision covers 25,000 kilometers
What can a cycling network for the whole of Austria look like that guarantees connections to all settlement areas? The study “Austria-wide cycling network Vision” provides an answer to this question and also provides a data-based argumentation for future planning. On behalf of the Ministry of Climate Protection, cycling competence members con.sens mobilitätsdesign and the Department of Geoinformatics at [...]
Cycle Competence webinars in our online academy
More than 20 webinars under our motto “This is cycling!” have been held by our platform members since the beginning of the webinar series in 2021. To make this wealth of knowledge more accessible, we have compiled the individual webinar presentations into an archive: the Cycle Competence Academy! It is available on YouTube and on our overview page “Akademie” in [...]
This was the Velo-city conference 2024 in Ghent
For 44 years, the Velo-city conference of the European Cyclists Federation has brought together the leading experts in cycling and has thus achieved the status of the world's most important specialist conference. The largest edition to date took place from June 18 to 21 in Ghent, Belgium, with 1,650 participants. Cycle Competence Austria was prominently represented. We bring you [...]
New mobility strategies for St. Pölten and Styria
The new mobility strategy Styria 2024+ and the guiding concept for active mobility in St. Pölten were recently published. Both strategies aim to significantly increase cycling in the coming decades. Cycle competence members Rosinak & Partner in Styria and con.sens mobilitätsdesign in St. Pölten were involved. We have summarized the measures planned to increase cycling in the strategies. Styria: [...]
Transformation with cycling expertise: pilot project in Deutschkreutz around the train station
The major research project "Trans|formator:in" aims to accelerate the transformation of streets and squares towards more space for pedestrians and cyclists, greenery and quality of life by means of seven pilot projects throughout Austria. The aim is to motivate and encourage other municipalities throughout Austria to take the necessary steps towards a mobility transition in their own environment. The [...]
Mobility Observatory Austria: Better data enables sustainable cycling promotion
The KOMOA concept study for a Mobility Observatory Austria shows how systemic approaches using a variety of data can help with the current challenges of transportation planning. How can it meet mobility needs while minimizing the negative ecological, social and economic effects of transport? The two Cycle Competence members, the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, have been researching [...]
Cycling summit with 10th anniversary of Cycle Competence
The Cycle Competence Austria platform is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! Founded in 2014 by a group of innovative players in the cycling sector, our platform now has around 30 member companies and supporting members. Knowledge transfer and networking in the service of improving the quality of Austrian cycling is our mission statement, and international activities as the [...]
Evaluation of Austria’s first bicycle zone
An experiment is taking place in the Styrian municipality of Fernitz-Mellach. Austria's first bicycle zone is being tested and comprehensively evaluated here for 12 months. The difference to the German regulation, where bicycle zones have been in place since 2020: The term does not yet legally exist in Austria. The pilot test is being planned and monitored by Cycle [...]
The new cycle-path construction program in Vienna
Since 2021, the City of Vienna has been stepping up the expansion of cycling infrastructure with increased funding from the klimaaktiv mobil program of the Ministry of Climate Protection. The new construction program was published at the end of March 2024. Important cycling axes and gaps in the main cycling network are being tackled and flagship projects such as [...]
Implementation of “right turn on red”: the Austrian criteria
Since the change of the Austrian road code in 2022, it has been possible to allow cyclists to turn right or ride straight on at red lights at certain selected junctions. This is marked by additional signage with a green arrow. So far, 29 such signs have been implemented and Vienna has announced a ‘green arrow offensive’ of 150 planned [...]
Focus on Lower Austria: Investment needs and measurements
Lower Austria, thanks to increased measures and financial support for municipalities in the cycling sector, is one of the most active federal states in Austria in this area. However, the state faces the challenge of having to make up for the failures of recent decades and has to overcome significant hurdles due to its large area and long car commuting [...]
Danube Cycle Plans: a cycling strategy for nine nations
Cycling traffic as an important part of sustainable mobility in the Danube region stands in the focus of the international project Danube Cycle Plans, which started in September 2020. Now we can present its brand new „Danube Cycling Strategy“, which was developed by the Cycle Competence members Ministry of Climate Action and Verracon together with [...]
‘Right Turn on Red’: First implementation and international guidelines
These changes to the Austrian highway code have caused quite a stir: an additional sign with a green arrow now allows cyclists at some junctions to turn right or ride straight on through a red light. The ‘right turn on red’ rule was implemented in countries such as France, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and The Netherlands some time ago. Austria is [...]
VCÖ Mobility Award for Cycle Competence Members
Many Cycle Competence members are glad to be able to celebrate success at having won the 2022 VCÖ Mobility Award. Especially celebrated was the Radlobby, with their winning project ‘Kidical Mass’ which now takes place in 14 cities Austria-wide. Other prize-winning projects by Cycle Competence members were ‘The City and You’, a mobility program in [...]
Future-oriented Study: Austria’s cycle infrastructure needs 7 Billion Euros of investment.
A study published in April 2022 by Cycle Competence members Planoptimo and Verracon at the request of the Ministry for Climate Protection and all nine Austrian regions has shown exactly how much investment is necessary for Austria to increase cycling to reach the ‘Cycling Masterplan’ goal in 2030. Presuming the highest quality implementation, the figure stands at 7 billion Euros. [...]
New guidelines for austrian cycle planning
Current developments in traffic engineering have caused the previous standards and guidelines for road design from 2014 (RVS) to become outdated. From April 1st 2022 new standards and guidelines for cycling infrastructure are being introduced, which a number of our partners helped formulate. In this article, we will present some of the highlights. […]
Three new members with specialities in orientation, planning and multi-use bikes
Radkompetenz Austria is pleased to welcome its three newest members in the sectors of navigation, bike production and traffic planning: Max2 – sign and design provide planning and signage for cycle routes, GLEAM Technologies produce hi-tech cargo bikes in Vienna and Traffic engineers Besch & Partner have been established for decades at their base in Vorarlberg, working nationwide. [...]
Members News with Smart Bikes, Climate Streets and Networking Meetings
There are numerous innovations from the circle of Cycle Competence members, ranging from hardware to research, planning, and construction projects. While con.sens mobilitätsdesign in Hamburg is involved in climate streets and Vello presents a new folding bike model, the first bike street is being planned in Vienna based on the Dutch model. Salzburg Research, on the other hand, is researching [...]
Federal Funding for Active Mobility Measures in 2023
The climate-active mobility federal funding for active mobility measures will continue in 2023 with new funding. We held a german webinar about this topic on June 5th. Here we provide an overview of the funding modules for businesses, municipalities, tourism, and individuals. Cycle Competence members Herry Consult and komobile will advise you on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Protection [...]
Cycle Competence excursions showcase good practices
What do Leithaprodersdorf and Paris have in common? Only one thing: this summer, Cycle Competence Austria organised two excursions exploring the topic of cycle infrastructure. In June, the Mobility Academy ADMA from the French capital visited to explore good examples of urban cycling infrastructure in the Vienna region for a European learning program. They visited places such as Mödling, similar [...]
Study on improving recreational cycling in Vorarlberg
At the start of the summer holidays, the topic of cycle tourism is at the forefront of our minds! The province of Vorarlberg commissioned a study by Rosinak & Partner, member of Cycle Competence, to analyse the potential for improvement in recreational cycling in the region. We present a snapshot of the findings: Vorarlberg performs very well in terms [...]
Company bicycle instead of company car
Healthy, good for the environment and stress free! With a company bicycle model (“Job-Rad”) employers can support their employees to increasingly switch to a healthy and environmentally-friendly mode of transport both for commutes as well as private travel. The CycleCompetence members klimaaktiv mobil (BMNT) und Herry Consult are publishing helpful tips on the subject and an expert opinion on the [...]