Your selection: Province of Styria
Evaluation of Austria’s first bicycle zone
An experiment is taking place in the Styrian municipality of Fernitz-Mellach. Austria's first bicycle zone is being tested and comprehensively evaluated here for 12 months. The difference to the German regulation, where bicycle zones have been in place since 2020: The term does not yet legally exist in Austria. The pilot test is being planned and monitored by Cycle [...]
Masterplan Radoffensive 2030. Wertehaltung, Planungsgrundsätze, Gestaltungskonzept, Maßnahmen-Katalog, Factsheets
Mit dem Masterplan soll Graz zu einer der Radhauptstädte Europas werden. Mit einer Gesamtinvestition von 100 Millionen Euro werden bis 2030 rund 200 Kilometer neue Radrouten, Abstellanlagen und ergänzende Einrichtungen geschaffen. Im Modal Split soll der Radverkehrsanteil, mittelfristig von rund 20% auf 30% gesteigert werden.
Province of Styria – GO RADMOBIL
Styria’s GO! Radmobil initiative The GO RADMOBIL initiative is part of the cycle strategy 2025 of the Austrian province. “GO!” is a call for action both in getting people to rethink mobility but also for a change in traffic policies. The pursuit of maximum comfort has led to many settlement areas being more suitable for cars than for the people [...]