Rendering Wagramer Straße



Rendering Wagramer Straße





Transformation with cycling expertise: pilot project in Deutschkreutz around the train station

The major research project "Trans|formator:in" aims to accelerate the transformation of streets and squares towards more space for pedestrians and cyclists, greenery and quality of life by means of seven pilot projects throughout Austria. The aim is to motivate and encourage other municipalities throughout Austria to take the necessary steps towards a mobility transition in their own environment. The [...]

Categories: Planning & Consulting|Tags: , |

New framework agreement for bicycle boxes at train stations enables aquisition

How does the train station in your municipality get modern bike boxes with a locking system and booking portal? Through a framework agreement of the Verkehrsverbund Tirol, which is based on the experience of Radkompetenz member Land Vorarlberg. This offer is available in Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria together with ÖBB. In a guest article from Tyrol, [...]

Categories: Parking & Charging|Tags: |

Mobility Observatory Austria: Better data enables sustainable cycling promotion

The KOMOA concept study for a Mobility Observatory Austria shows how systemic approaches using a variety of data can help with the current challenges of transportation planning. How can it meet mobility needs while minimizing the negative ecological, social and economic effects of transport? The two Cycle Competence members, the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, have been researching [...]

Cycling summit with 10th anniversary of Cycle Competence

The Cycle Competence Austria platform is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! Founded in 2014 by a group of innovative players in the cycling sector, our platform now has around 30 member companies and supporting members. Knowledge transfer and networking in the service of improving the quality of Austrian cycling is our mission statement, and international activities as the [...]

Bike sales figures 2023: Boom in folding bikes, transport bikes, e-bikes

The 2023 bike sales figures are available and confirm known trends and the effectiveness of targeted bike purchase promotions and company bike models: More than a 50% share of e-bikes for the first time, doubling of folding bike sales, strong growth in e-transport bikes. The Austrian Association of Sporting Goods Manufacturers and Retailers (VSSÖ) presented these results under the [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing, Supporters & Initiatives|Tags: , |

European Review: EU Cycling Declaration and study results from Paris to London

On April 3, 2024, the "European Declaration on Cycling" was formally signed at a meeting of EU transport ministers, the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament. This milestone in the supranational commitment to cycling as a fully-fledged means of transport and to key points for improving cycling is a sign that the important levers for promoting cycling are [...]

Evaluation of Austria’s first bicycle zone

An experiment is taking place in the Styrian municipality of Fernitz-Mellach. Austria's first bicycle zone is being tested and comprehensively evaluated here for 12 months. The difference to the German regulation, where bicycle zones have been in place since 2020: The term does not yet legally exist in Austria. The pilot test is being planned and monitored by Cycle [...]

Categories: Planning & Consulting|Tags: , , |

The new cycle-path construction program in Vienna

Since 2021, the City of Vienna has been stepping up the expansion of cycling infrastructure with increased funding from the klimaaktiv mobil program of the Ministry of Climate Protection. The new construction program was published at the end of March 2024. Important cycling axes and gaps in the main cycling network are being tackled and flagship projects such as [...]

Bike wash and bike decks, new members and new bikes

We are happy to welcome four new innovative members to the Radkompetenz circle this year! The internationally positioned mechanical engineering group WINTERSTEIGER offers manual and automatic bike cleaning stations, the young Salzburg-based company Velovio develops bike parking systems that they would also use themselves. The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has developed a sensor bike and Mobiltätszentrale Burgenland is [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing, Parking & Charging|Tags: , , |

Cargo bike sharing has arrived in small towns

The boom in e-cargo bikes is reflected in sales figures and on urban roads. In rural areas, the cargo bike still has a hard time, as distances are too long and roads are too unsafe for cyclists. However, new findings from Bavaria and Austria show that even small towns are already successfully relying on cargobikes as transportation in the sharing [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing|Tags: , |
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