Your selection: Supporters & Initiatives

Cycle Competence webinars in our online academy

More than 20 webinars under our motto “This is cycling!” have been held by our platform members since the beginning of the webinar series in 2021. To make this wealth of knowledge more accessible, we have compiled the individual webinar presentations into an archive: the Cycle Competence Academy! It is available on YouTube and on our overview page “Akademie” in [...]

The Austrian Bicycle Regulation in international comparison

The Austrian Bicycle Regulation (FVO) supplements the StVO with detailed provisions on child transport, trailers and equipment. It is already 23 years old and requires modernization, as, among other things, the common carriage of two children on longtail transport bikes does not comply with the FVO and multi-axle trailers may not be used. Members of the Cycle Competence Platform [...]

Debate about e-scooter, cycle paths and suitable infrastructure

It is no longer just traditional bicycles that can be found on urban cycle paths. Instead, we are increasingly seeing a variety of transport bikes, pedelecs and e-scooters. These varieties of micromobility are legally considered bicycles in Austria and pose major challenges for the capacity of cycling infrastructure. We summarize an in-depth Ö1 radio debate that revolved around the [...]

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This was the Velo-city conference 2024 in Ghent

For 44 years, the Velo-city conference of the European Cyclists Federation has brought together the leading experts in cycling and has thus achieved the status of the world's most important specialist conference. The largest edition to date took place from June 18 to 21 in Ghent, Belgium, with 1,650 participants. Cycle Competence Austria was prominently represented. We bring you [...]

Cycling summit with 10th anniversary of Cycle Competence

The Cycle Competence Austria platform is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! Founded in 2014 by a group of innovative players in the cycling sector, our platform now has around 30 member companies and supporting members. Knowledge transfer and networking in the service of improving the quality of Austrian cycling is our mission statement, and international activities as the [...]

Bike sales figures 2023: Boom in folding bikes, transport bikes, e-bikes

The 2023 bike sales figures are available and confirm known trends and the effectiveness of targeted bike purchase promotions and company bike models: More than a 50% share of e-bikes for the first time, doubling of folding bike sales, strong growth in e-transport bikes. The Austrian Association of Sporting Goods Manufacturers and Retailers (VSSÖ) presented these results under the [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing, Supporters & Initiatives|Tags: , |

European Review: EU Cycling Declaration and study results from Paris to London

On April 3, 2024, the "European Declaration on Cycling" was formally signed at a meeting of EU transport ministers, the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament. This milestone in the supranational commitment to cycling as a fully-fledged means of transport and to key points for improving cycling is a sign that the important levers for promoting cycling are [...]

The new cycle-path construction program in Vienna

Since 2021, the City of Vienna has been stepping up the expansion of cycling infrastructure with increased funding from the klimaaktiv mobil program of the Ministry of Climate Protection. The new construction program was published at the end of March 2024. Important cycling axes and gaps in the main cycling network are being tackled and flagship projects such as [...]

Next Generation Nighttrain: Biketransport in the new ÖBB Nightjet

The Austrian Federal Railway (ÖBB) is known for its leading role in European overnight train travel. With the new Nightjet trains expected to operate from December, they aim to launch what they call a ‘flagship service’. We tested the redesigned bike transport options with Radlobby Österreich, a member of Cycle Competence Austria, in the ÖBB depot. Which improvements have been [...]

City comparison: How satisfied are Austria’s cyclists?

How safe do Austria’s cyclists feel in traffic? How do they rate the quality of bike paths? These are the questions that Radlobby Austria, member of Cycle Competence, asked in its bicycle climate test, the results of which have just been published. Salzburg and Graz received the best marks, but are still not entirely satisfactory. Vienna and Linz are at [...]

Categories: Supporters & Initiatives|Tags: , , , |

Focus on Lower Austria: Investment needs and measurements

Lower Austria, thanks to increased measures and financial support for municipalities in the cycling sector, is one of the most active federal states in Austria in this area. However, the state faces the challenge of having to make up for the failures of recent decades and has to overcome significant hurdles due to its large area and long car commuting [...]

Categories: Planning & Consulting, Supporters & Initiatives|

Cargo Bikes: Sharing for Municipalities and European Overview

A lot is happening in the cargo bike sector, with sales increasing and sharing programs and subsidies from governments playing a significant role in reducing emissions from transportation. The European Cyclists' Federation has created an online overview of this sector, from which we've highlighted some key points. In Austria, the sharing program in communities is being expanded by Radverteiler, a [...]

‘Right Turn on Red’: First implementation and international guidelines

These changes to the Austrian highway code have caused quite a stir: an additional sign with a green arrow now allows cyclists at some junctions to turn right or ride straight on through a red light. The ‘right turn on red’ rule was implemented in countries such as France, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and The Netherlands some time ago. Austria is [...]

Danube Cycle Plans: a cycling strategy for nine nations

Cycling traffic as an important part of sustainable mobility in the Danube region stands in the focus of the international project Danube Cycle Plans, which started in September 2020. Now we can present its brand new „Danube Cycling Strategy“, which was developed by the Cycle Competence members Ministry of Climate Action and Verracon together with [...]

Categories: Planning & Consulting, Supporters & Initiatives|

The new cyclefriendly Austrian Road Code

On the 1st of October the new Austrian road traffic code comes into effect. It contains important improvements for cyclists and pedestrians. Some of its highlights include ‘right turns on red’, minimum overtaking distances for cars, and legalising riding two abreast. The amendment also contains minor flaws and misses two important original proposals from the draft version. […]

Categories: Supporters & Initiatives|Tags: , |

VCÖ Mobility Award for Cycle Competence Members

Many Cycle Competence members are glad to be able to celebrate success at having won the 2022 VCÖ Mobility Award. Especially celebrated was the Radlobby, with their winning project ‘Kidical Mass’ which now takes place in 14 cities Austria-wide. Other prize-winning projects by Cycle Competence members were ‘The City and You’, a mobility program in [...]

Categories: Planning & Consulting, Supporters & Initiatives|

Future-oriented Study: Austria’s cycle infrastructure needs 7 Billion Euros of investment.

A study published in April 2022 by Cycle Competence members Planoptimo and Verracon at the request of the Ministry for Climate Protection and all nine Austrian regions has shown exactly how much investment is necessary for Austria to increase cycling to reach the ‘Cycling Masterplan’ goal in 2030. Presuming the highest quality implementation, the figure stands at 7 billion Euros. [...]

The latest from the cargo bike boom: bike-sharing and subsidies for Vienna and Salzburg

Nobody would call a cargo bike a niche product anymore and countless large bike brands both have their own cargo bike models and are ramping up production. This trend also has political support in Vienna and in the province of Salzburg. A smart sharing platform is being introduced to the City of Salzburg and the [...]

New Austrian Road Traffic Code in review

On the 29th of April, minister for climate protection Leonore Gewessler presented the latest draft of the Austrian road traffic code which promises to contain important improvements for cyclists and pedestrians. It is currently under review until the 1st of June and will be put to a parliamentary vote after that. Some of its highlights include ‘right turns on red’, [...]

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Federal Funding for Active Mobility Measures in 2023

The climate-active mobility federal funding for active mobility measures will continue in 2023 with new funding. We held a german webinar about this topic on June 5th. Here we provide an overview of the funding modules for businesses, municipalities, tourism, and individuals. Cycle Competence members Herry Consult and komobile will advise you on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Protection [...]

Member News: Improved bicycle transport and cooperation with Ukraine

In Vorarlberg, new local trains inspired by the Danish model are being introduced. VELLO is unveiling its latest cargo ultra-light titanium bike model, the SUB. The Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS) at the University of Salzburg has published its annual report for 2023. In Vienna, 330 traffic lights will soon be equipped with a green arrow for turning right on red. [...]

Challenges on the path to company bicycles for everyone

With the Tax Reform of 2020, Austria introduced the company bike model, allowing businesses to provide their employees with bicycles with tax benefits. Where do we stand three years later, and how could it evolve if specific barriers for employees and public servants could be removed? JobRad Austria, a member of Cycle Competence that has been involved with the company [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing, Supporters & Initiatives|

Ministry for Climate Protection: Funding 9,300 Bicycles and 87 Projects

The current evaluation by the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK) shows that the purchase incentives within the klimaaktiv mobility grants for 2023 are being well received. Vorarlberg leads in E-bike support, Vienna is keen on folding bikes, and cargo bikes are very popular in Burgenland. The klimaaktiv mobility performance report for 2022 demonstrates that cycling, with 87 implemented grant projects [...]

Where does the tax reform for company bicycles stand?

The long-demanded legal equalization of e-bikes and electronic cars as company vehicles had been hinted at in spring. Now that there has been a government re-shuffle the tax reform seems to have been pushed way back again. The timing is quite unfortunate as the sale of e-bikes has reached a record high in Austria. The cycling coordinator for the city [...]

Company bicycle instead of company car

Healthy, good for the environment and stress free! With a company bicycle model (“Job-Rad”) employers can support their employees to increasingly switch to a healthy and environmentally-friendly mode of transport both for commutes as well as private travel. The CycleCompetence members klimaaktiv mobil (BMNT) und Herry Consult are publishing helpful tips on the subject and an expert opinion on the [...]

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