Your selection: Salzburg Research

RADBEST research project: Cycling in confined road conditions

In traffic planning practice, the routing of bicycle traffic in confined spaces poses a particular challenge. The RADBEST research project, in which Cycle Competence members Salzburg Research, the Department of Geoinformatics at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and con.sens mobilitätsdesign were involved, looked for possible solutions. To this end, regulations and scientific studies were analyzed, experts were interviewed [...]

Österreichweites Radzielnetz Vision

Im vorliegenden Projekt wird eine Methode für die Erstellung eines optimalen Radzielnetzes für das gesamte Bundesgebiet von Österreich entwickelt sowie unter Anwendung der Methode ein Radzielnetz Vision für Österreich erstellt. Im Vergleich zum Bestandsnetz wird der Ausbaubedarf für das Radzielnetz Vision dargestellt sowie der Kostenaufwand für dessen Umsetzung abgeschätzt.

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Research discussion on cycling and mobility transition in Salzburg

This year, our annual cycling competence fireside talk was dedicated to the exciting topic of cycling research. Leading researchers from Vienna, Graz and Salzburg discussed current developments and challenges in cycling and mobility research. The discussion was moderated by Cycle Competence member Martin Loidl from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) and took place in an attractive setting in [...]

Categories: Research & Projects|Tags: |

Mobility Observatory Austria: Better data enables sustainable cycling promotion

The KOMOA concept study for a Mobility Observatory Austria shows how systemic approaches using a variety of data can help with the current challenges of transportation planning. How can it meet mobility needs while minimizing the negative ecological, social and economic effects of transport? The two Cycle Competence members, the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, have been researching [...]

Kickoff for the cycling season with new members

Spring brings three new members to our platform, each with their own expertise to help improve cycling in Austria and the range of bicycles available: JobRad Austria brings knowledge of good company bike solutions from Germany, Radverteiler offers a smart sharing solution for e-bikes and bicycles of all kinds, and Salzburg Research focuses on active mobility research. With these additions, [...]

Categories: Bicycles & Clothing, Research & Projects|Tags: , |

Members News with Smart Bikes, Climate Streets and Networking Meetings

There are numerous innovations from the circle of Cycle Competence members, ranging from hardware to research, planning, and construction projects. While con.sens mobilitätsdesign in Hamburg is involved in climate streets and Vello presents a new folding bike model, the first bike street is being planned in Vienna based on the Dutch model. Salzburg Research, on the other hand, is researching [...]

Salzburg research

The research institute has more than 20 years of experience in the coordination and implementation of research and innovation projects in the areas of active mobility, intelligent transport systems and networked and automated driving. Two research groups deal with the technical, social, economic and psychological aspects of cycling. The contents include i.a. data based methods to evaluate the quality of [...]

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